KHS Boarding

School Hostel Requirement, General Rules and Regulations

KINGS HIGH SCHOOL HOSTEL was established as an essential part of the school with the vision to help improve student life style where excellence in childhood education is of paramount importance. It encourages student to develop their potential while growing positive leadership stills. These also help students identify and appreciate the wealth of unity, dignity in labour and also to develop in them a sense of discipline, self-confidence and self-identification.


The hostel has standard and decent separate accommodation for both boys and girls with conveniences, dining room, furnished common room etc.


Students seeking hostel accommodation in the school must indicate in the form provided by the school at the administrative block and they are required to pay the hostel fees in advance.

Newly admitted student are expected to complete and submit the following on or before moving in:

  1. Student Personal Data Form
  2. Medical Form
  3. Student Undertaking
  4. Evident of payment
  5. Room Allocation Form  

General Rules and Regulations

All students are subject to discipline, sanctions for breaking general rules and regulations of the school hostel, hence all student are expected to study the Hostel Guide.

Ignorance shall not be taken as an excuse

  1. Student luggage must be inspected by house master/matron for clearance and confirmation before been allocated into the appropriate room.
  2. Once fixed in a room, there should be no exchange of either room or bed space.
  3. Student’s personal belongings must be well marked/labelled for easy identification.
  4. Only admitted students are allowed in the hostel (NO LOITERING OR SQUATTING WITHIN THE HOSTEL PREMISESBY NON-RESIDENTS).
  5. The house and Sunday wears are expected to be purchase from the school
  6. Other things such as, nightgown, pyjamas, coverlet, undies, footwear, toiletries and other things like beddings are to be brought from home.
  7. Students are not allowed to take any school property out of the hostel.
  8. Student who damages any of the school property would be surcharge.


  1. Electronic Gadgets
  2. Computer Games
  3. Mobile Phones
  4. Hard Currencies


All students are expected to be in house wear within the hostel. Hostel management strongly discourage student from flimsy wears, pyjamas, undies and tying of towel outside their respective rooms.

Indecent and improper dressing attracts punishment.


All students are expected to walk down into the dining hall at the sound of the bell. It is compulsory for students to attend all meals, no student is allowed to take food into the room and a student may not be allowed to take another student’s meal.

Meals are adequate in nutrition, quantity, quality, choice and variety. Students are advised to observe proper dining etiquette always in the dining hall.

Requirement for All Students

  1. Pen, Pencil, Eraser, Ruler
  2. Mathematical Set and Drawing Board
  3. Note Books for Subjects and Assignments
  4. Graph Book and drawing Book
  5. 2 Broom, 2 toilet paper

Hostel Requirements

In addition to the above, students in the hostel are required to bring the following:

  1. 1 Mattress, 1 treated mosquito net, 1 pillow, 1 blanket, 2 pillow case, 2 bed sheets
  2. 1 bucket, 1 bowl (for washing clothes) 2 plates with cutlery set and 1 cup with cover.
  3. 2 pairs of blue check our brown trousers as house wear for boys, blue check gowns as house wear for girls.
  4. White trousers and long sleeve shirt as church wear for boys and white gown as church wear for girls.
  5. 2 towels (medium and small sizes), soap and toiletries

Parents are advised to make effort to inscribe identification mark on articles bought for their wards. The above items will be checked during the checking-in-inspection and students found not to have them will be turned back on the spot.

Hostel Heads and Discipline

Rudeness to the House master/Matron and other members of staff in the hostel will attracts severe disciplinary action.


We have zero tolerance for bullying the following policies have been out in place to ensure bullying is completely eradicated from the system.

  1. No student in the school, either day or boarding is permitted by their actions to either inflict physical or mental abuse on any boarder or cause other to inflict such harm.
  2. Any physical action and mental harassment which include hurtful names calling will be categorised as bullying
  3. Student who indulge in such acts will receive a warning the first time and parent will be informed.
  4. Graph Book and drawing Book
  5. Any subsequent occurrence will result to expulsion of the student(s)


The school has a perimeter fence and is made safe and secure by security. Boarders can only be given exit at Parent/Guardian request.


Boarding student are advised to see themselves as peculiar students and are to behave well even while in the hostel as any form of misbehaviour will be punished accordingly.

We hope this information has given you a picture of life in boarding and what expectation you can have. For further enquiries, please contact us via the school portal, phone call or visit and we would be happy to respond to your enquires.

We look forward to welcoming your child to KINGS HIGH SCHOOL boarding.